Be part of the process. Join us at Gasworks Arts Park for rehearsed reads. Exploring new works by local Australian writers. Followed by Q&A.
PHILTRUM by Anthea Greco Director: Angus Cameron
Read by Ruth Katerelos, James Freemantle, Faran Martin, Tashi Baiguerra, Sarah Clarke, Craig Hyde Smith, John Desengano, Sacha Joseph, Kim Ko, James Cerche, Will Lee & Siobhan Connors.
When a salt of the Earth family is reunited with its favourite member, love, joy and backhanded insults abound. Blink and you’ll miss the moment that through the chaos, an insidious finger is unwittingly lifted from the Philtrum.
For over ten years, Anthea has authored numerous texts which can be found in most Popular Melbourne Municipalities. From her to 2002 piece "RE: Contesting Metcard Infringement Croydon Station," to 2016's "RE: Contesting Clarke Street, Southbank Parking Infringement" Anthea's writing is relatable, expressive and powerful. Some pieces have even garnered her a response from the relevant issuer. On why she made the shift to character based narrative writing: "I found that they always have photographic evidence and it was becoming a waste of my... oh, the play? I found that I had a knack for plagiri... creating layered characters that could not only walk, run, jump or sit in a damp theatre space, but also adore, victimise, loathe and protect one another. And if an audience member could identify with at least one of these creatures, or a handful of their traits, I reckon they'll enjoy it."